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What Is Diarrhoea?

To understand diarrhoea, you first need to know how digestion works and what happens when we tip the balance.

How digestion works

When your digestive system is in its normal rhythm, food and fluid pass regularly from the stomach into the small intestine. Food is then broken down and nutrients are absorbed along with most of the fluid. The remaining waste and some water pass into the colon (large intestine) where more water is absorbed and finally the waste is passed in the form of stools.

When your small intestine or colon are irritated, the relaxed and regular movement of your intestines can become overactive. Essential salts and fluids end up being passed through the colon too quickly with less fluid being absorbed by the body. The result is loose or watery stools, commonly known as diarrhoea.

Imodium contains an active ingredient called loperamide, which gently slows down your digestion, to help your body restore its natural rhythm and resume normal fluid absorption.

Types of diarrhoea

Diarrhoea can be either acute (short lasting) or chronic (long lasting):

  • Acute diarrhoea can be caused by many things including: Diet, stress, infection (e.g. food poisoning), IBS and menstruation.
  • Chronic diarrhoea can be caused by long term underlying conditions such as ulcerative colitis or IBS.

Treating Diarrhoea with IMODIUM®

The good news is that you can treat acute diarrhoea – fast. IMODIUM® can help stop diarrhoea in just one hour, so you can start to feel better and get on with your day.

If you have severe diarrhoea, blood in your stools, fever or if symptoms persist for more than 48 hours consult your doctor and don't take IMODIUM®

Find out more about IMODIUM®

Častý průjem

Mnoho lidí trápí častý výskyt akutního průjmu. Pokud jste jedním z nich, je dobré vědět, že v tom nejste sami.

Diarrhoea & IBS

If you have sensitive bowels or you’ve been diagnosed with IBS, you can use IMODIUM® to treat your acute diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea & travelling

If you’re going to have a health issue on holiday, the chances are it’ll be diarrhoea. Find out why and how to avoid it.

Infekční průjem

Infekční průjem může vyvolat otrava potravinami, dietní chyba nebo rotavirus. Zjistěte, jak se chránit.

Jak léčivý přípravek MODIUM® účinkuje

Přípravek IMODIUM® účinkuje tak, že zpomaluje pohyb střev a tím prodlužuje průchod potravy střevem.

  • Kun ripulin yhteydessä esiintyy myös vatsakipua, vatsan turvotusta ja ilmavaivoja
  • Helposti nieltävä tabletti
  • Sisältää vanilja-aromia
  • Laktoositon
IMODIUM® suussa hajoava tabletti
  • Tabletti liukenee nopeasti kielen päältä
  • Vettä ei tarvita, voidaan ottaa missä tahansa
  • Sisältää minttuaromia
  • Laktoositon
IMODIUM® tabletti
  • Perinteinen pieni nieltävä tabletti.
  • Pieni kapseli on helppo niellä
  • Lääkeaine on valmiiksi nestemäisessä muodossa
  • Laktoositon

Léčivý přípravek IMODIUM® je najdete v lékárnách a není vázán na lékařský předpis.

Léčivý přípravek IMODIUM® je dostupný bez lékařského předpisu, v kamenných i internetových lékárnách.